Photo Gallery - Hotels, B&B and Holiday-villages near Cefalù, Sicily - Cefalù

Village in Cefalù by the sea

Village in Cefalù by the sea

- Village in Cefalù by the sea

Hotel near the beach in Cefalù

- Hotel near the beach in Cefalù

Things to see in cefalu: La rocca di Cefalù

- Things to see in cefalu: La rocca di Cefalù

Square by night, where to stay in Cefalu

- Square by night, where to stay in Cefalu

Cefalù beautiful town in Sicily

- Cefalù beautiful town in Sicily

Hotel near the sea in Cefalù

- Hotel near the sea in Cefalù

B&B in the Center of Cefalù

- B&B in the Center of Cefalù

hotel in cefalù in front of the sea

- hotel in cefalù in front of the sea

Cefalù in the province of Palermo

- Cefalù in the province of Palermo

Cefalù, one of the most beautiful towns in Italy

- Cefalù, one of the most beautiful towns in Italy

Village in Cefalù by the sea

- Village in Cefalù by the sea

events in cefalù

- events in cefalù

the old hag

- the old hag

Antinna a mari

- Antinna a mari

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