ID:887 Hotels, Pensions and B&B near Igea Marina - Igea Marina (Rimini)

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The sea in Igea Marina

- The sea in Igea Marina

The beach in Igea Marina

- The beach in Igea Marina

Hotels for families near Igea Marina

- Hotels for families near Igea Marina

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Brief History:

The place with the name of Bellaria appeared for the first time in a document of 1359, as the name of a fortified farm which was near the church of Santa Margherita, near the mouth of the river Uso. The town passed through several hands and owners, including those of Malatesta: now it remains only a memory of the place named Bellaria (and Castle).

At the end of the nineteenth century it extended to the left of the river to become a small town of homes of fishermen, with their boats that lied shelterd in the stream.

At the beginning of the 1900-century Vittorio Belli gave the name of the goddess Hygeia, the daughter of Asclepius to a holiday village built in the pine forest between the river and Uso the tower "Torre Pedrera". "Marina" was associated with the name Igea, when they settled in the southern part a summer-camp for children.

The town was established in 1956 for to separate four localities of the town of Rimini: Besides Bellaria and Igea Marina also, Bordonchio, Cagnon and Borgata Vecchia.


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Dicono di noi:   Eccezionale   ★★★★★       9,61 su 10 basato su 402 recensioni   Scrivi recensione