Photo Gallery - Hotel, Accommodations and B&B near Vipiteno - Vipiteno

Falls in vipiteno

Falls in vipiteno

- Falls in vipiteno

Vipiteno hotel in the center

- Vipiteno hotel in the center

Vipiteno refuge

- Vipiteno refuge

sudtirol, hotel in the sudtirol

- sudtirol, hotel in the sudtirol

Vipiteno, skiing, hotel near the skilifts

- Vipiteno, skiing, hotel near the skilifts

Sudtirol ice skating

- Sudtirol ice skating

Vipiteno christmasmarket

- Vipiteno christmasmarket

Vipiteno christmasmarket

- Vipiteno christmasmarket

The krampus-parade in vipiteno

- The krampus-parade in vipiteno

The krampus in vipiteno

- The krampus in vipiteno

The Canederli-fiest in Vipiteno

- The Canederli-fiest in Vipiteno

Canederli and (Ham) speck from trentino

- Canederli and (Ham) speck from trentino

The yogurt-fiest in vipiteno

- The yogurt-fiest in vipiteno

Jöchlsthurn vipiteno

- Jöchlsthurn vipiteno

Falls in vipiteno

- Falls in vipiteno

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