JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH: Special Offer for Farmhouse accomodation

ID:218/3106 Apartments "Antico Casale Uncinano" - City: Spoleto (Perugia)

Call now: Tel. 0742-849090 - 347-8891600

Category:4 Price rangeMedium
Country house and swimming pool view

- Country house and swimming pool view

Fireplace in a dining room in the country house

- Fireplace in a dining room in the country house

Another detail of a room with fireplace

- Another detail of a room with fireplace

Comfortable living rooms

- Comfortable living rooms

Detail of a double bedroom

- Detail of a double bedroom

Four poster bed in the country house

- Four poster bed in the country house

Detail of the room

- Detail of the room

Blue Double room

- Blue Double room

Details of the furniture

- Details of the furniture

Big swimming pool

- Big swimming pool

Panoramic view from the big swimming pool

- Panoramic view from the big swimming pool



















Availability:Good Availability

Tel. 0742-849090 - 347-8891600


January, February and March
Special Winter offer, 10% off for weekly stay
Apt.Two- Room (Ambra, Topazio) for 2 People: one week special price € 378

Apt.Three- Room for 4 People: one week special price € 441

You can choice also daily stay (minimum 2 nights)

30 € breakfast included
per person per night 













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Antique water mill from the 1600s and out of architectural respect, assessed as a cultural heritage of the town of Spoleto, it is immersed in the nature and tranquil Uncinano valley


The antiquity of the agriturismo is confirmed by the findings, during the restructuring phase, of certain finds dating back presumably to that period.  

The agriturismo’s spacious green park along the Capagnano torrent and the birds’ soothing song offer an all-encompassing sensation of total relaxation.

Its managing family has maintained the structure in-tact, to allow the observation of some typical characteristics of the water mills of that era, such as the grain-flour production.


The structure is comprised of 8 apartments and 1 bedroom with bathroom in the tower.

Each apartment is furnished with telephone, television and equipped kitchen.


The apartments are divided into 5 three-room and 2 two-room dwellings:

4 three-rooms with 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom, living room kitchen with double sofa bed.

1 three-room with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room kitchen with double sofa bed.

3 two-rooms with double bedroom, living room kitchen and bathroom for 2 people.


On the first floor there is a large living room, equipped with tables and chairs, etc. suitable for parties and community life; adjacent to the living area is another small room with an industrial kitchen.

Three-room apartment ACQUAMARINA: very spacious apartment with entrance by means of the outside stairs facing the swimming pool. Living room with kitchenette , two double bedrooms with a canopy bed. Hallway + spacious bathroom, and is the only apartment that faces both sides of the agriturismo

Three-room apartment TORMALINA
: large apartment with access like that of the Acquamarina, spacious living room with kitchenette , hallway + two bedrooms one being a double and one with two single beds, spacious bathroom.

Two-room apartment AMBRA: first floor apartment with bathroom fixtures suitable for the disabled, living room with kitchenette, double bedroom + enormous bathroom.

Two-room apartment TOPAZIO: like the Ambra first floor apartment with bathroom fixtures suitable for the disabled, living room with kitchenette, double bedroom + enormous bathroom.

Three-room apartment SMERALDO: vast apartment with living room with a fireplace, open kitchen, long hallway with a double bedroom and a one with two single beds, spacious bathroom, view of the swimming pool.

Three-room apartment MORGANITE:
vast apartment with a view of the vineyard and plantation, living room with kitchenette  + fireplace, long hallway with two double bedrooms – one of which has a canopy bed, large bathroom.

Three-room apartment ZAFFIRO: vast apartment (the largest) 2nd floor, with living area with kitchenette + fireplace and view of the plantation and vineyard. Hallway with two bedrooms, a double with canopy bed (the room is enormous) and private bath and a single bedroom with its own private bath.

RUBINO room: double bedroom with bathroom placed in the agriturismo’s tower which is accessed by the stairway connected to the one used to access the Smeraldo, Zaffiro and  Morganite apartments.

P.S. all apartments are furnished with a kitchen, TV, telephone and heat.

Homepage Apartments "Antico Casale Uncinano"

Name: Carlo e Lia City: Roma Country: IT Date: Jun 29, 2015 Type of traveler: Families with older children

  • Staff: 10/10
  • Services: 10/10
  • Cleanliness: 10/10
  • Comfort: 10/10
  • Value for money: 10/10
  • Total: 10.00
 +  Comment:
Abbiamo passato un fine settimana di tutto riposo come era nelle nostre intenzioni.Grazie per l'ospitalità.

Name: dario City: siena Country: IT Date: Aug 19, 2014 Type of traveler: Families with young children

  • Staff: 9/10
  • Services: 6/10
  • Cleanliness: 10/10
  • Comfort: 9/10
  • Value for money: 10/10
  • Total: 8.80
 +  Comment:
Ideale per chi cerca confort e tranquillità, la struttura è molto bella ristrutturata con classe e perizia, gli appartamenti sono spaziosi con ottima mobilia e molto puliti, la biancheria di buona fattura e poco usurata, la piscina ben dimensionata per 6 appartamenti e come l’esterno e il parco circostante molto pulita e curata, il proprietario ed i custodi molto disponibili e cordiali. Questi i pregi, e non sono pochi, veniamo ai difetti, la colazione è limitata e senza scelta, tutto l’appartamento risulta un po’ troppo buio e con qualche carenza a livello idraulico. Nel complesso comunque soddisfacente e da consigliare per soggiorni sia di famiglie che di coppie giovani.

Name: guido City: roma Country: IT Date: Aug 23, 2013 Type of traveler: Families with older children

  • Staff: 10/10
  • Services: 10/10
  • Cleanliness: 10/10
  • Comfort: 10/10
  • Value for money: 10/10
  • Total: 10.00
 +  Comment:
ottima vacanza ,il titolare il Sig. Campanella, persona squisita nei modi e molto educato, gran conoscitore del vino sangiovese, che ne è produttore, vi consiglio di comprare il suo vino rosè ottimo....attenzione solo ad avere del (molto ) tempo a disposizione quando conversate con lui,persona di una cultura elevatissima nel suo campo....vacanza da provare anche solo per un week-end,sicuramente ci tornerete....

Name: Maurizio City: avellino Country: IT Date: Aug 19, 2013 Type of traveler: Young couples

  • Staff: 9/10
  • Services: 9/10
  • Cleanliness: 9/10
  • Comfort: 10/10
  • Value for money: 9/10
  • Total: 9.20
 +  Comment:
Splendida struttura con personale cordiale e disponibile. Da comsigliare a tutti.

Name: maria teresa City: milano Country: IT Date: Oct 2, 2012 Type of traveler: Young couples

  • Staff: 8/10
  • Services: 8/10
  • Cleanliness: 8/10
  • Comfort: 8/10
  • Value for money: 8/10
  • Total: 8.00
 +  Comment:
Posto davvero carino curato immerso nel verde molto tranquillo e silenzioso. Davvero molto bella e curata la piscina

Name: City: Country: IT Date: Aug 26, 2012 Type of traveler: Young couples

  • Staff: 9/10
  • Services: 8/10
  • Cleanliness: 8/10
  • Comfort: 8/10
  • Value for money: 8/10
  • Total: 8.20
 +  Comment:
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Name: alex City: sant'elpidio a mare Country: IT Date: Jun 24, 2012 Type of traveler: Young couples

  • Staff: 10/10
  • Services: 10/10
  • Cleanliness: 10/10
  • Comfort: 10/10
  • Value for money: 10/10
  • Total: 10.00
 +  Comment:
consiglio a tutte le coppie giovani e non di trascorrere almeno un weekend nella struttuta del sig. Campanella Claudio, struttuta del 1500/1600 perfettamente ristrutturata anzi direi migliorata con l'aggiunta di confort. Troverete un ambiente tranquillo ideale per riposarsi, molti luoghi da visitare nelle vicinanze, oltretutto potrete godere di cibi e VINO di ottima qualita. Consiglio anche di fare due chiacchiere con il sign. Claudio facendovi affascinare dalla sua conoscienza di vini potrete assaggiare l'ottimo vino prodotto da lui stesso e che vi fara rimanere molto soddisfatti . ringrazio il sign. Claudio e la sua signora e mi scuso se ci ho messo un po' per compilare questo questionario sign. claudio ma sa, dopo aver preso il suo rosè ne ho regalata qualche bottiglia e volevo sapere qualche parere oltre al mio sul suo vino, bè sono rimasti tutti molto soddisfatti anzi direi compiaciuti dal suo rosè quindi posso dirle che la recensione che le hanno fatto , non ricordo ora su quale rivista, e' meritatissima, vorrei anche ringraziarla per averci indicato hosteria tagliavento scottadito abbiamo mangiato da dio speso pochissimo, ottimo anche il vino che ci ha consigliato . saluto lei e sua moglie sperando di farle visiti al piu' presto. grazie.

Name: rocconi tania City: fano (pu) Country: IT Date: Oct 28, 2011 Type of traveler: Young couples

  • Staff: 8/10
  • Services: 8/10
  • Cleanliness: 9/10
  • Comfort: 10/10
  • Value for money: 8/10
  • Total: 8.60
 +  Comment:
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Name: Massimo City: Pontedera Country: IT Date: Sep 14, 2011 Type of traveler: Families with young children

  • Staff: 10/10
  • Services: 9/10
  • Cleanliness: 9/10
  • Comfort: 9/10
  • Value for money: 7/10
  • Total: 8.80
 +  Comment:
Tre giorni di piacevole relax, quello che cercavamo. Gentilissimi i proprietari. Molto interessante la visita alle cantine e la degustazione dei vini! Un piccolo suggerimento: qualche giochino per bambini piccoli. Ci sono momenti in cui un'altalena ci vuole...

Name: Filippo City: Alessandria Country: IT Date: Sep 1, 2011 Type of traveler: Young couples

  • Staff: 10/10
  • Services: 10/10
  • Cleanliness: 10/10
  • Comfort: 10/10
  • Value for money: 10/10
  • Total: 10.00
 +  Comment:
Veramente tutto unico. Non abbiamo trovato nulla di negativo. Proprietari veramente fantastici nella disponibilità' cordialità gentilezza e professionalità ..... Unici!!!!! Grazie di questi tre giorni di serenità,saremo felicissimi di ritornare il prima possibile!!!!!!! Filippo e Paola
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Apartments "Antico Casale Uncinano"

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Dicono di noi:   Eccezionale   ★★★★★       9,61 su 10 basato su 402 recensioni   Scrivi recensione