Photo Gallery - Hotels, B&B and Holiday-Residences in the Salento Area - Salento

Villages in conca specchiulla

Villages in conca specchiulla

- Villages in conca specchiulla


- Salento

Sea in salento

- Sea in salento

map over Salento

- map over Salento

The coast of Salento

- The coast of Salento

The natural caves of salento

- The natural caves of salento

salento in the province of Lecce

- salento in the province of Lecce


- Ostuni

The old town of Ostuni

- The old town of Ostuni

The antic center of Lecce

- The antic center of Lecce

Baroque-style in Lecce

- Baroque-style in Lecce

The ligthhouse of Santa Maria di Leuca

- The ligthhouse of Santa Maria di Leuca

Santa Maria di Leuca

- Santa Maria di Leuca

Specchia, near S Maria di Leuca

- Specchia, near S Maria di Leuca

Torre dell'Orso  Bear-tower

- Torre dell'Orso Bear-tower

hotel torre dell'orso with sea-view

- hotel torre dell'orso with sea-view

Villages in conca specchiulla

- Villages in conca specchiulla

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