Umbria Jazz in Country House. Music and relax in Italy.

ID:518/2885 Umbria Jazz la musica del mondo! - City: Perugia (Perugia)

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Lastminute in Umbria Jazz: weekend in Country House!!

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B&B Casale a Canalicchio

Country house Gaietole

B&B Il Palazzo Gaietole

Agriturismo Torricella

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The Umbria Jazz format brings together three different musical dimensions in three different settings.
Evening concerts at the Arena Santa Giuliana: it is here that the most famous names appear, artists who require a larger, more spacious venue.
Afternoons and nights at Perugia’s two historic theatres: Teatro Morlacchi and Teatro Pavone.
Two venues dedicated to the different forms – traditional and modern – of what is more strictly jazz .
Free open-air concerts: the part of the Festival featuring more popular forms of music that have a more immediate appeal for young people and families .
This year Umbria Jazz will once again be built around the format that for thirty-five years has been contributing so much to its identity: for ten days, from morning until late at night, there will be music non-stop in some of the most beautiful settings of old Perugia. It is a Festival for attentive, motivated listeners, but there is also plenty of music for those who simply want to spend a peaceful holiday in Umbria with a soundtrack of jazz, soul, R & B, blues, gospel, pop and salsa.
The city of Perugia draws together the different parts of the Festival. The venues in the old town centre; its art and history all contribute to create what an American critic has called “jazz Italian-style”. Perugia’s town squares, gardens, theatres, its spectacular Rocca Paolina (the underground fortress that is one of the city's most famous monuments).

But there is also one more aspect of Umbria Jazz that offers so much to those who are interested in enjoying life. It consists of a combination of good music and fine food that is presented each day in some of the restaurants in the town centre - aperitifs, jazz lunches and dinners, jazz served with wine and gourmet cuisine: all this needs no explanation and is an open invitation to sample the fare on offer.

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