Reviews: Residence Casato Lago Trasimeno - Lago Trasimeno

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Residence Casato Lago TrasimenoScrivici su whatsapp
External view of the rural home

- External view of the rural home

Cured garden

- Cured garden

Entrance to the swimming pool

- Entrance to the swimming pool


- Vineyard

Swimming pool

- Swimming pool

Waterfalls around the swimming pool

- Waterfalls around the swimming pool

Equipped and relaxing swimming pool

- Equipped and relaxing swimming pool

Entrance to the swimming pool

- Entrance to the swimming pool

Cured external particulars

- Cured external particulars

Detail of the entrance to the structure

- Detail of the entrance to the structure

Cured details

- Cured details


- Entrance

Elegant furniture

- Elegant furniture

Example of a double bedroom

- Example of a double bedroom

Double bedroom

- Double bedroom


- Fireplace

Double bedroom with fireplace

- Double bedroom with fireplace

Living room with fireplace

- Living room with fireplace

Elegant double bedroom

- Elegant double bedroom

Light colors

- Light colors

Detail of a room

- Detail of a room

Rustic kitchen

- Rustic kitchen

American fridge

- American fridge

Panoramic terrace

- Panoramic terrace


- Restaurant

Typical dishes

- Typical dishes

Paintings on the walls

- Paintings on the walls

Rustic reaturant

- Rustic reaturant

Detail of the restaurant

- Detail of the restaurant

Table in the restaurant

- Table in the restaurant

External tables

- External tables


- Groups

Umbrian typical dishes

- Umbrian typical dishes

Richiedi preventivo

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Residence Casato Lago Trasimeno

Name: City: Roma Country: IT Date: 2011-08-22 16:11:19 Type of traveler: Families with young children

  • Staff: 5/10
  • Services: 5/10
  • Cleanliness: 5/10
  • Comfort: 6/10
  • Value for money: 6/10
  • Total: 5.40/10
 +  Comment:
atmosfera rilassante, vicinanza ai maggiori luoghi turistici del trasimeno

Residence Casato Lago Trasimeno

Name: City: ACI CASTELLO (CT) Country: IT Date: 2010-08-31 17:11:09 Type of traveler: Young couples

  • Staff: 10/10
  • Services: 7/10
  • Cleanliness: 7/10
  • Comfort: 10/10
  • Value for money: 8/10
  • Total: 8.40/10
 +  Comment:
E' stato molto rilassante.

Residence Casato Lago Trasimeno

Name: City: Country: Date: 2010-04-06 17:18:57 Type of traveler: Families with young children

  • Staff: 9/10
  • Services: 9/10
  • Cleanliness: 9/10
  • Comfort: 9/10
  • Value for money: 7/10
  • Total: 8.60/10
 +  Comment:
ottime le carni e l'atmosfera conviviale e sofisticata

Residence Casato Lago Trasimeno

Name: City: Country: Date: 2010-01-15 20:03:15 Type of traveler: Young couples

  • Staff: 9/10
  • Services: 8/10
  • Cleanliness: 9/10
  • Comfort: 9/10
  • Value for money: 8/10
  • Total: 8.60/10
 +  Comment:
This guest didn't leave a comment.

Residence Casato Lago Trasimeno

Name: City: roma Country: it Date: 2009-12-08 23:57:45 Type of traveler: Young couples

  • Staff: 10/10
  • Services: 10/10
  • Cleanliness: 10/10
  • Comfort: 10/10
  • Value for money: 10/10
  • Total: 10.00/10
 +  Comment:
siamo rimasti molto colpiti dalla struttura in tutto il suo essere. Gli ambienti sono curate in ogni minimo dettaglio e accortezza da parte dei loro magnifici proprietari,persone gentilissime e disponibilissime. La camera dove abbiamo soggiornato era bellissima e molto romantica. Il mangiare era a dir poco OTTIMO e la pulizia dei locali eccellente. Era proprio quello che cercavamo. Grazie ancora!

Residence Casato Lago Trasimeno

Name: City: Country: Date: 2009-06-24 18:59:59 Type of traveler: Families with young children

  • Staff: 7/10
  • Services: 7/10
  • Cleanliness: 7/10
  • Comfort: 7/10
  • Value for money: 8/10
  • Total: 7.20/10
 +  Comment:
siamo stati bene, grazie

Residence Casato Lago Trasimeno

Name: City: Caserta Country: It Date: 2009-06-05 10:13:29 Type of traveler: Young couples

  • Staff: 10/10
  • Services: 10/10
  • Cleanliness: 10/10
  • Comfort: 10/10
  • Value for money: 10/10
  • Total: 10.00/10
 +  Comment:
Ottima accoglienza e cortesia,un bel posto dove passare un week nd in piena tranquillita',ottima cucina e' partecipazione da parte dei propriatari colloquiando con i commensali.A parte la pioggia e'stat un bel week end. Un saluto e un ringraziamento va a Mariella e Riccardo per l'otima ospitalita'.
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Dicono di noi:   Eccezionale   ★★★★★       9,61 su 10 basato su 402 recensioni   Scrivi recensione