ID:1601 Hotel Alberghi B&B Villaggi vicino Silvi - Silvi (Teramo)

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Comfortable hotels and good offers in Silvi

- Comfortable hotels and good offers in Silvi

Silvi at night, find the best offer!

- Silvi at night, find the best offer!

Enjoy the Silvi sunset, real bargains!

- Enjoy the Silvi sunset, real bargains!

Hotels with seaview and low prices

- Hotels with seaview and low prices

Choose the best hotel offer in Silvi

- Choose the best hotel offer in Silvi

Best offer near the sea and beach

- Best offer near the sea and beach

Incredible landscapes, choose your hotel and BB!

- Incredible landscapes, choose your hotel and BB!

Comfort and relaxation, holidays in Silvi, Italy!

- Comfort and relaxation, holidays in Silvi, Italy!

Long beaches and clear water in silvi

- Long beaches and clear water in silvi

Bargains in Silvi marina, perfect for families

- Bargains in Silvi marina, perfect for families

Nice hotels and Rooms with seaview, Silvi!

- Nice hotels and Rooms with seaview, Silvi!

BB near the beaches in Silvi marina

- BB near the beaches in Silvi marina

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With our service Get the best offer you can, with a single click, contact dozens of conventioned tourist-faclilies like hotels, B&B, residences and hostels in the area of Silvi.

So if you are looking for a hotel  to stay near the sea in Silvi for a relaxing holiday in Abruzzo, one of the most beautiful regions in Italy...


That way you send your request to all the conventioned hotels, B&B, pensions, agritourisms, inns and guesthouses and than you can choose the best offer!


Silvi Marina, just a few miles away of Pescara extending to the south as far as the Piomba river, and to the north to the Cerrano tower, is one of the most famous seaside resorts in Abruzzo, with its fashionable villas of the late nineteenth - early twentieth centuries, and also is famous for its liquorice manufacturing industry.

Its territory includes the two centers of Silvi Paese or Silvi Alta and Silvi Marina along the coast. Thanks to one of the most beautiful beaches of the Adriatic, to the wealth of hotels, pensions and seasonal rental flats, the town is full of Italian and foreign tourists in summer.

Sights & Excursions

  • Silvi Alta or Silvi Paese (town), a medieval borough perched on top of a hill, 250 meters above sea level, once a defense garrison against the Saracens, offers a spectacular view over the whole Central Adriatic, sweeping from the Yugoslavian coast to Monte Conero and the Tremiti Islands.
  • Church of San Salvatore, in Silvi Paese, with a fine bell-tower, dated 1252, was probably begun two centuries earlier. 
  • Torre di Cerrano, the ancient harbour of Atri and Silvi. It developed when Atri abandoned the Vomano harbor, because the river was moving farther into the sea. The jobs for the harbor building began in 1256.

Events & Festivities

May-June: "Lu cencialone" This feast takes origin from a legend derived possibly from of one of the many Muslim raids. The Saracens landed at Cerrano marina, the ancient harbour serving Silvi and Atri, sacked everything, then moved towards the hill. The alarm was given by the church bells calling all the population to the defence. Before the barbarians reached the doors of the village, a courageous young man, with a big lighted torch, went out of the walls and faced them. The torch light deceived the invaders who thought they were being attacked by a multitude of people; in order to keep the goods they had already sacked, they gave up the enterprise and ran away. The "miracle" is remembered with the celebration of the feast of the "Ciancialone".


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Dicono di noi:   Eccezionale   ★★★★★       9,61 su 10 basato su 402 recensioni   Scrivi recensione