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ID:53 Country Residence Del Sole* - Perugia (Perugia)

Category:4 Price rangeMedium
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The Residenza Agrituristica del SOLE is located on the slopes of Ripa's ancient castle, just in front of Assisi. It is the ideal place where you can relax and regenerate yourself, in contact with the most unspoiled nature, and far from the daily routine of frenetic life. The Relais is near the most beautiful art cities of Umbria (Perugia, Gubbio, Montefalco, Spoleto, Todi ...) and Ripa is within easy reach of the wild green of Valnerina and Tevere valleys and of the silver hills of Trasimeno Lake and Tuscany. During your holiday you will experience the old traditions both cultural and enogastronomic of Italy's green heart.

The sixteen rooms are placed in three old farmhouses carefully restructured with the deleberate intent of preserving the essence and charm of ancient times. The rooms stand out for the attention that has been paid to all the details: you can see the wooden beams, the typical beds made with wrought iron, the hotel's furniture that includes old unique pieces made by hand with the better wood, quilts and curtains that comes from the art of embroidery the precious old Umbrian cloth of Montefalco. All is established to make you live the romantic atmosphere of a tale.
Romms' facilities:

- air conditioning (suite and siperior rooms)
- TV and video recorder

- mini-bar

- radio
- direct phone line
- haur dryer
- soap, shampoo, comb, razor ...
- automatic alarm clock
- 220V voltage

  • External Swimming Pool
  • Jacuzzi Swimming Pool
  • Restaurant
  • Whirpool Bath
  • Poster Bed
  • Trekking
  • Riding School
  • Animals Admitted

Inside the beautiful ancient temple, that today has became our restaurant, the chefs will make you experience the best of umbrian tradicional dishes, and their tasty recipes joined to the famous wines of our country.
Bread, pasta, cakes and jams are made by hands every day, as the old customs taught us during the years. Meat and oil come from our own farm.

The meet come from our farm, situated just 1 km from here.

We organise cooking course.

27 Maggio 2007 - CANTINE APERTE, lungo le strade del vino: Aperture straordinarie di 46 cantine umbre che aderiscono all'iniziativa, con possibilità di visite alle cantine, ai vigneti, e con degustazioni di specialità culinarie abbinate al vino. Sera del 26 Maggio: "cena con il vignaiolo", appuntamento con alcune aziende per degustare vini sapientemente abbinati a pietanze tradizionali. 27 Maggio: "Mangialonga", percorso di circa 4 km tra i vigneti umbri dove si produce il Sagrantino di Montefalco, con varie tappe per fermarsi a gustare cibo e ottimi vini, dalle ore 12:00 alle 18:30, per una passeggiata all'insegna della natura, dei sapori e della tradizione.
27 Maggio 2007 - GUBBIO - Palio della Balestra: gara d'arme risalente al XII secolo, che si celebra tra squilli di trombe ed esibizioni dei bravissimi sbandieratori della zona.
27 Maggio 2007 - ORVIETO - Pentecoste, "Festa della Palombella": antica rappresentazione sacra simboleggiante la discesa dello Spirito Santo sugli Apostoli, con la spettacolare discesa di una colombina bianca dalla Chiesa di San Francesco alla scalinata del Duomo.
9/10 GIUGNO 2007 - SPELLO/CANNARA e altri paesi dell'Umbria - LE INFIORATE DEL CORPUS DOMINI: a partire dalla sera del 9, vigilia del Corpus Domini, vengono allestiti nelle piazze e nelle vie principali i disegni che saranno poi completati durante tutta la notte con splendide distese di fiori, finchè la mattina, la processione vi camminerà sopra come su di un bellissimo tappeto. Appuntamento da non perdere per vedere i nostri più caratteristici borghi sotto una luce suggestiva, dove tutto è inebriato dagli intensi profumi dei coloratissimi fiori.
First sunday of the month - PERUGIA, Piazza Piccinino - UMBRIA TERRA VIVA - exibition of natural and typical specialities.
Last sunday of the month - PERUGIA, Rocca Paolina, Giardini Carducci, Portici Provincia - FAIR OF ANTIQUARIATO AND COLLEZIONISMO.
Every Saturday, ore 8.00/13.00 - PERUGIA, Loc. Pian di Massiano - TRADITIONAL WEEK MARKET.
Every Tuesday, ore 8.00/13.00 - GUBBIO - TRADITIONAL WEEK MARKET.

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Price list in Euro Country Residence Del Sole
Low Season: 03/01-31/03; 02/10-13/10; 23/10-27/10; 01/11-06/12; 11/12-28/12; Medium Season: 01/04-20/04; 02/05-26/05; 05/06-07/07; 28/08-01/10; High Season: 21/04-01/05; 27/05-04/06; 08/07-27/08; 14/10-22/10; 28/10-31/10; 07/12-10/12; 29/12-02/01;
CASALE: Double Standard Room 15 mq, Price per Person per Night BB 35.00 - HB 60.00 BB 40.00 - HB 65.00 BB 45.00 - HB 70.00
PERGOLA: Suite 30 mq, Poster Bed and Whirpool Bath, Price per Person per Night BB 60.00 - HB 85.00 BB 65.00 - HB 90.00 BB 75.00 - HB 100.00
ROSETO: Suite 35 mq, Poster Bed, Living Room, Jacuzzi, Price per Person per Night BB 70.00 - HB 95.00 BB 75.00 - HB 100.00 BB 85.00 - HB 110.00
TORRE: Suite 35 mq, 2 floor, Poster Bed and jacuzzi for 2, Price per Person per Night BB 75.00 - HB 100.00 BB 80.00 - HB 105.00 BB 90.00 - HB 115.00
SINGLE ROOM: Double Confort Room 15 mq used as single, Price per Night with Breakfast BB 50.00 BB 55.00 BB 60.00

BB: Bed and breakfast (continental breakfast).
HB: Half board. The drinks are excluded. The recipes are typical of Umbrian tradicions; meat, oil and vegetables comes directly from our farm; bread, pasta, cakes and marmalades are carefully made by hand.
FB: Full board.
Half Board + 25 euros per day
Full Board + 25 euros per day
Child's cot 10 euros per night
Extra bed (only in rooms
Loggia, Pergola, Roseto e Torre):
Children younger than 10 50% discount
Children older than 10 30% discount

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Country Residence Del Sole

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Dicono di noi:   Eccezionale   ★★★★★       9,61 su 10 basato su 402 recensioni   Scrivi recensione