ID:614 Hotels and B&B near CAMPO FELICE - Campo Felice (L'Aquila)

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Do you want to come to CAMPO FELICE?

With our service "Get the best offer"  you can, with a single click, contact tens of conventioned touristfacilities near the  skiing facilities of Campo Felice.

So if you are searching for an accommodation for your trip to  CAMPO FELICE and / or ROCCA DI CAMBIO
to enjoy all of the natural beauty that Abruzzo has to offer... JUST FILL OUT THE FORM!  That way you will send your request to al the conventioned hotellestablishments and then you can choose the best offer!

Campo Felice  has everything it takes to satisfy those who love snow and skiing. The resort is at the center of an area surrounded by high peaks all over two thousand meters and covered with snow for six months a year. Just admire the view from the summit of Monte Rotondo to understand how nature has been generous to Campo Felice, one look and you see all the mountains like Gran Sasso, the Sirente, the Velino, la Duchessa and the Maiella. A breathtaking view and an incredible emotion.

Campo Felice, in fact, offers skiing for all tastes, with slopes that exceed even the 600 meters and allows winter-sports even in fog because all the tracks converge into a broad plateau. And in case of need there is the modern snow-facility fully automated, equipped with 210 snowcanons, capable of covering with artificial snow an area of over 12 km.
Campo Felice is also a paradise for children: in fact, thanks to the "Manovia Baby" a cablelift for children, for the kids to move more easily up and down the slopes and it is located to the right of the chairlift Campo Felice.
The fun then reaches the maximum at the park "Snow Tubing, a snow park about 90 meters long.

The creation of the ski resort of Campo Felice was the impetus that led to a clear turnaround in the local economy. In the years '65, '66, '68 and Rocca di Cambio, rose to national prominence as an important location for the compitition Tour of Italy, that is and remains three memorable occasions for the history of this country.

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Do you want to come to CAMPO FELICE?

With our service "Get the best offer"  you can, with a single click, contact tens of conventioned touristfacilities near the  skiing facilities of Campo Felice.

So if you are searching for an accommodation for your trip to  CAMPO FELICE and / or ROCCA DI CAMBIO
to enjoy all of the natural beauty that Abruzzo has to offer... JUST FILL OUT THE FORM!  That way you will send your request to al the conventioned hotellestablishments and then you can choose the best offer!

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Dicono di noi:   Eccezionale   ★★★★★       9,61 su 10 basato su 402 recensioni   Scrivi recensione