ID:977 Ricette, Sagre, Prodotti L'UMBRIA IN TAVOLA - Perugia (Perugia)

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Sagrantino Gnocchi

- Sagrantino Gnocchi

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Cascia Saffron

- Cascia Saffron

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Umbrian typical cuisine, Umbrian recipes, Umbrian dishes, regional Italian cuisine.

Here you are some Umbrian recipes:
Strangozzi with Asparagus
Ingredients for 4-5 guests:
500 gr. Umbrian strangozzi
2 wild asparagus bundles
250 gr. peeled tomatoes
extra virgin olive oil
garlic 1 clove

Clean the asparagus and cut the soft part in small pieces.

In a pan fry some extra virgin olive oil and the garlic. Add the asparagus and cook for 5 minutes then add the peeled tomatoes and cook other 15 minutes.

At the end add some chilli and salt.

Cook strangozzi pasta and put them in the pan with the mixture above.

NOTE: You can serve the Strangozzi even without tomato. Add only more oil and more asparagus.

Sagrantino Wine Gnocchi
Ingredients for 4:
1 kg floury potatoes
300 gr flour
1 egg
1 Sagrantino Passito Wine glass

1 Sagrantino Passito Wine glass
Caciotta cheese

Boil the potatoes then press them, add the flour, the egg, 1 Sagrantino Passito Wine glass, salt and mix all quickly with the hands. Shape pasta sticks and cut the sticks in 2 cm pieces each.

Cook the gnocchi for a few minutes (until they afloat) then put them in a pan with butter and the other Sagrantino Passito Wine glass.

Once ready put the Gnocchi on a dish and serve with grated Caciotta cheese.


Some Umbrian typical products:

Colfiorito red potato, Sagrantino Wine, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Trevi Black celery, Cannara onion, Umbrian Norcineria...

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